
Maintenance & Alimony

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Rolling Meadows Spousal Maintenance & Alimony Lawyers

Also referred to as spousal support or alimony, spousal maintenance is the amount of money paid by one spouse to another throughout the course of a divorce and after the divorce is finalized. Though spousal maintenance and alimony are not awarded in every case, it is important that it is granted or refused in all of the appropriate situations.

At Andrea Heckman Law, we use over 10 years of experience in the area of family law to walk our clients through the process of seeking spousal maintenance or attempting to prevent spousal maintenance from being awarded. Our attorneys work closely with clients to ensure that their rights are protected, and options are explained. Contact our office online or call 847-705-8000 to schedule an appointment.

Types of Spousal Maintenance

There are several types of spousal support that are granted in Illinois:

Permanent Maintenance

This type of maintenance is generally granted to spouses who have relied completely on their former spouse’s income and are elderly or unlikely to ever earn an income that allows them to maintain their current lifestyle.

Temporary Maintenance

This support payment is paid in order to help a spouse while the divorce is still pending.

Maintenance in Gross

This type of spousal support is paid in one large payment near the date of divorce. There can be certain tax advantages to this form of alimony.

Rehabilitative Maintenance

Also known as “reviewable” or “periodic maintenance,” this type of support is granted in order to provide a spouse with the proper financial support while they return to the workforce.

Unallocated Maintenance

This type of maintenance does not distinguish between child support and spousal maintenance. This option may also provide you with certain tax advantages.

Factors That Contribute to Spousal Maintenance

There are many factors that the courts may consider when determining if alimony is appropriate and what amount, such as:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Age of the parties
  • Each spouse’s earnings
  • Each spouse’s income-earning potential
  • Education level of each spouse

Contact Our Divorce and Spousal Maintenance Attorneys Now

Contact us to schedule your free initial consultation about your spousal maintenance and alimony or other divorce concerns. During this meeting, we can determine the most effective way in which to pursue a resolution for you. Our firm consistently keeps your best interests in mind as we work together to reach a solution.

Contact our office to arrange for a free initial consultation and review of your case.


Andrea Heckman

Managing Attorney

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Please contact our law office in Rolling Meadows for legal assistance with divorce, child custody, or visitation issues. We serve clients in the Chicago metropolitan area who need the help of an experienced and dedicated family law attorney.

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